Meeting Payroll Challenges

BYJU’s, the ed-tech giant, faced a financial crisis leading to reported delays in January salary payments. In an email to employees, Founder Byju Raveendran expressed gratitude, acknowledging the hurdles faced and the efforts to meet payroll obligations.

Employee Dedication Acknowledged

Raveendran praised the resilience of the workforce, highlighting their commitment amidst the financial challenges. Despite earlier indications of a potential delay until Monday, he commended employees for their understanding and perseverance during the trying times.

Struggling with Financial Crisis

Founded in 2011 and once valued at $22 billion, BYJU’s is currently grappling with financial difficulties, including lawsuits from lenders and allegations of Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) violations. The financial strain has resulted in missed payment deadlines and legal actions from overseas lenders.

Facing Enforcement Directorate Scrutiny

BYJU’s is under the scrutiny of the Enforcement Directorate (ED) for alleged FEMA violations, leading to resignations and financial setbacks. The company’s Alpha unit declared bankruptcy following insolvency petitions filed by lenders in a US court.

Valuation Decline and Fundraising Efforts

From its peak valuation of $22 billion in 2022, BYJU’s latest valuation plummeted to $250 million. The company is seeking a $200 million infusion through the issuance of new stocks. Its financial struggles have prompted proactive measures to secure funding and stabilize its operations.

Shareholder Dispute and Leadership Challenges

Recent shareholder resolutions aimed at removing BYJU’s founders from the board faced resistance from the company. BYJU’s argued that the investors lacked the voting rights required to enact changes in the leadership structure. The company has been navigating challenges on multiple fronts, including legal battles and financial restructuring.

Founder’s Commitment to Employees

Raveendran assured employees that efforts to address financial challenges, including meeting payroll, have been ongoing for months. He acknowledged the sacrifices made by the workforce, emphasizing their collective dedication to the company’s mission and values.


As BYJU’s works through its financial crisis, the founder’s email reflects a balance between acknowledging the challenges faced and expressing gratitude for the unwavering commitment of the workforce. The ed-tech giant’s ability to secure funding and navigate legal complexities will likely shape its trajectory in the coming months.

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Saiba Verma, an accomplished editor with a focus on finance and market trends, contributes to Atom News with a dedication to providing insightful and accurate business news. Saiba Verma analytical approach adds depth to our coverage, keeping our audience well-informed.