Impacto has become a shining example of environmentally friendly business in a world where environmental sustainability is becoming more and more important. Impacto is a cutting-edge e-commerce platform that was introduced in 2022 that compiles sustainable products in a range of categories, including wellness, beauty, and fashion. Impacto, which serves both major organisations and private customers, is making great progress in encouraging environmentally friendly decisions.

The Genesis of Impacto

Impacto’s origin story started in 2021 when its founder, Shivang Singh, went to the Hult Prize Global Accelerator in London. Here, he saw that a lot of impact-sector firms were having trouble taking off because of things like the high price of sustainable products and a dearth of unified services. Singh was inspired by these findings to create a solution that would increase the appeal and accessibility of sustainable products.

Singh notes that despite the fact that most things in mainstream commerce are made of synthetic materials, consumers frequently choose products based only on price. Driven by the necessity to solve this problem, Singh established Impacto, an online store selling sustainable goods, giving environmentally conscious companies a platform to flourish.

Impacto’s Mission and Vision

Impacto is a movement that encourages people to make thoughtful, environmentally beneficial decisions rather than just an online store. Singh declares with pride, “We are the green Alibaba or Amazon.” His childhood, where his parents instilled ideals of environmental responsibility and community duty, is profoundly ingrained in his commitment to sustainability.

Building a Sustainable Business

Following his graduation from the University of Hong Kong with a degree in International Business & Global Management, Singh started his own business, Edilery, manufacturing edible cutlery. His involvement in the Hult Prize Global Accelerator and this experience gave him invaluable insights into market dynamics and sustainable business methods.

After coming back to India, Singh leveraged his expertise and knowledge to launch Impacto. Singh is a first-generation entrepreneur without a network, thus his perseverance has been key to the startup’s success.

Addressing the Green Premium Challenge

Singh said that the “green premium,” or the higher price of sustainable products because of their smaller production scale, is one of the major issues. Singh highlights that in order to attain economies of scale and lower the cost of sustainable products, there is a need to expand the green trade.

Expansion into B2B and B2G Sectors

Impacto quickly expanded into the B2B industry, which comprises huge institutions, hotels, and multinational corporations, after initially concentrating on the consumer market. Impacto has been able to secure large orders and make a more significant impact thanks to this calculated action.

Compostable dinnerware, bamboo-based products, recycled notebooks and environmentally friendly gift baskets are all part of Impacto’s product line. Famous customers include The Heritage Resort in Manesar and Zomato. In the B2C market, the startup charges a 30% commission on sales, while in the B2B market, it raises pricing.

Towards Government Collaborations

Impacto is also gaining traction in the business-to-business (B2G) space, working with the Delhi government on initiatives such as the City of Forests Programme. With the use of the Miyawaki method, this programme seeks to plant one million trees in Delhi-NCR government schools. As part of its commitment to having a significant environmental impact, Impacto is responsible for collecting funding and carrying out the project.

Ensuring Genuine Sustainability

Impacto conducts thorough inspections prior to onboarding brands in order to preserve the integrity of its marketplace. Along with certifications and lab test reports, this process involves extensive questions about materials, manufacturing procedures, and waste generation. In the future, Singh hopes to improve this procedure by bringing in technical specialists.

The Road Ahead

Impacto, a startup funded entirely by its founders, is almost breaking even. Singh credits his careful money management, having saved enough through internships and scholarships to finance the project. Impacto is a competitor to other green platforms such as Amala Earth, Brown Living, Meolaa, and Suspire. It maintains its competitive edge by emphasising true sustainability and growing its customer base.

Final Thoughts

Impacto serves as evidence of the possibility of environmentally friendly business. Impacto is clearing the path for a more environmentally responsible future by developing a platform that brings together eco-friendly goods and cultivates a community of conscientious customers and companies. In Singh’s own words, “I wanted to rekindle the love for the environment with this startup.” Combating climate change, which is currently an emergency, requires this.

Impacto’s journey demonstrates the value of sustainable innovation in business by providing a model for companies to prosper and have a good environmental impact.

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Saiba Verma, an accomplished editor with a focus on finance and market trends, contributes to Atom News with a dedication to providing insightful and accurate business news. Saiba Verma analytical approach adds depth to our coverage, keeping our audience well-informed.