A second incident with a 17-year-old motorist wreaking havoc on the streets of Pune has surfaced, raising major worries about minors’ reckless driving in the city. This latest occurrence, which was captured on camera and widely shared on social media, took place near Alandi on June 15, 2024. The frightening footage shows a teenager driving a speeding car that purposefully hits a woman named Najuka Ranjit Thorat. Fortunately, indications indicate that Ms. Thorat was not seriously injured in the encounter. According to local media agencies in Pune, the event was the result of a previous altercation between the teenager and Ms. Thorat’s son.

Details of the Incident

The video, which has gone viral on social media, shows the adolescent driving his car at high speeds and purposefully hitting a woman named Najuka Ranjit Thorat. Fortunately, Ms. Thorat did not sustain any significant injuries. According to local media sources, the event began with an altercation between the teenager and Ms. Thorat’s son.

Police Action and Public Reaction

Ms. Thorat filed a complaint, and the Alandi Police Department opened an investigation into the boy. Given his age, the Juvenile Justice Board (JJB) intervened and sentenced him to a correctional home.The footage also captures the teenager’s reckless actions after hitting Ms. Thorat. He allegedly reversed his car, accelerated forward at high speeds, and attempted to hit people, who were lucky able to move out of the way. This irresponsible disregard for safety has sparked considerable outrage and calls for harsher penalties against juveniles participating in such events.

Similar Case in Pune

This tragedy follows another high-profile case in Pune, when a 17-year-old allegedly killed two IT professionals in a Porsche wreck on May 19th. These cases underscore the growing issue of underage driving and the hazards that come with it.

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Aanya Kapoor, a seasoned editor at Atom News, brings a wealth of experience in journalism and a keen eye for compelling stories. With a background in investigative reporting, Aanya Kapoor is dedicated to delivering news that resonates with our diverse readership.