Former President Donald Trump unexpectedly changed course on immigration when he said that foreign graduates of American universities would be granted green cards automatically. This policy proposal represents a substantial shift from the rhetoric that has frequently defined his campaigns, which has been anti-immigrant.

Automatic Green Cards for Graduates

In a podcast interview with tech and venture capitalists for the “All-In” programme, Trump outlined his strategy for resolving the problem of keeping skilled graduates in the United States. “What I want to do, and what I will do, is that if you graduate from college, I believe that your diploma should automatically include a green card that will allow you to remain in this nation. Anyone who completes college is eligible for that, even if they attend junior colleges. You go there for two years or four years,” Trump declared, vowing, if re-elected, to begin enforcing this policy right away.

A Shift in Immigration Policy

One of the main platforms of Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign has been immigration. His most recent proposal to grant green cards, which open the door to U.S. citizenship, to perhaps hundreds of thousands of foreign graduates would significantly increase the country’s immigration laws. This plan stands in stark contrast to his earlier statements, which frequently centred on limiting immigration, both legal and illegal.

Prior to this, the Trump administration has aimed to restrict legal immigration by suggesting changes to the visa lottery and family-based visa programmes. In 2017, he also signed the “Buy American and Hire American” executive order, which made sure that business visas were given to the most skilled or well-paid candidates.

Addressing the Skilled Workforce Shortage

Trump stated in the interview that the United States is lacking in skilled workers and that the country needs bright, brilliant people to lead the economy. He gave examples of top U.S. college graduates who, because of visa problems, had to return home, underscoring the potential economic benefits these people could make if they were permitted to remain. He specifically brought up China and India, pointing out that a large number of their graduates become prosperous business owners who greatly boost employment and the world economy.

“You need a pool of people to work for your company,” Trump stated. “And they must be intelligent individuals. Not everyone has to be a dimwitted person. You require intelligent individuals.”

Controversy and Criticism

Trump’s tough attitude on immigration has drawn criticism even in light of this suggested change. He has regularly accused undocumented immigrants of robbing the government of tax revenue and committing crimes. In addition, if re-elected, he has pledged to execute the biggest deportation operation in American history.

Trump and his allies frequently make the distinction between immigration that is legal and illegal. However, with plans to reduce legal immigration and tighten business visa requirements, his administration’s policies have occasionally blurred this boundary.

Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic

Trump blamed the difficulties brought on by the coronavirus outbreak for the inability to carry out some of his policies during his presidency. He underlined the need for reform to make sure that top college graduates may obtain visas and remain in the United States, boosting the economy instead of being sent back home.

Broader Implications for Immigration Policy

The plan put out by Trump to automatically give green cards to foreign graduates may have significant effects on U.S. immigration laws. It is indicative of a rising understanding of the necessity of addressing the skilled labour shortage and retaining top talent. It also begs concerns about the overall course of American immigration policy and how to strike a balance between promoting lawful immigration and limiting illegal immigration.

Final Thoughts

The plan put forth by the former president Donald Trump to provide foreign graduates automatic green cards is a substantial shift from his prior immigration policies. Trump wants to address the skilled labour shortage and boost the nation’s economic competitiveness by emphasising the retention of smart students who graduate from American colleges. If put into effect, this policy change might have a significant impact on both the immigration reform discussion as a whole and U.S. immigration policy. Trump’s immigration policies are changing as he runs for office again, taking into account the opportunities and problems the United States faces in a globalised world.

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Riya Sen, an experienced editor at Atom News, is passionate about health and politics reporting. Riya Sen commitment to promoting well-being and highlighting political developments adds a valuable dimension to our coverage, ensuring our readers stay informed and engaged in current affairs.