The government of Jammu and Kashmir is making a big move in the direction of creating a thriving startup environment in the Union Territory. In order to guarantee the seamless execution of the newly introduced J&K Startup Policy 2024-27, a group of specialists has been established to examine the preliminary operational guidelines. This action demonstrates the administration’s dedication to giving prospective business owners the tools and resources they need to succeed.

Addressing Identified Needs: Refining the J&K Startup Policy

Launched in February 2024 by the government of Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha, the J&K Startup Policy 2024-27 seeks to create a vibrant startup scene in Jammu and Kashmir. A variety of incentives and support methods are provided under the program, which has an ambitious goal of 2,000 new company creations by 2027. Nonetheless, the administration has realized that clear operational procedures are necessary to guarantee its efficacy.

Committee Review: Ensuring Effective Implementation

The J&K government formally established a committee to examine the proposed operational rules for the startup policy on May 27, 2024, by an official decree. This committee is made up of influential people with vast backgrounds in related fields:

  • Deputy Secretary (DP) of the Industries and Commerce Department
  • Managing Director of the J&K Trade Promotion Organization
  • Managing Director of the J&K Entrepreneurship Development Institute (JKEDI)

The committee has been assigned the responsibility of carefully reviewing the proposed guidelines and providing its suggestions in a week. The goal of this thorough evaluation process is to improve the policy’s implementation strategy and guarantee that it will effectively assist the expansion of startups in Jammu and Kashmir.

Key Provisions of the J&K Startup Policy 2024-27

The J&K Startup Policy 2024–27 offers prospective business owners an alluring opportunity. A closer look at a few of the salient points is provided below:

  • Fund for Venture Capital: The J&K government intends to create a sizeable Rs 250 crore venture capital fund specifically for this purpose. With a planned first investment of Rs 25 crore, the fund would provide a sizable cash pool for emerging Jammu and Kashmiri companies.
  • Proposed Funding and Land Distribution: The JKEDI will be essential in creating a system for distributing land to highly promising entrepreneurs. Recognized firms can also receive up to Rs 20 lakh in one-time initial financial support, paid out in four payments. This crucial funding will only be available to 25 entrepreneurs annually to guarantee.
  • Application and Tracking: The J&K Startup Policy will be overseen overall by a powerful committee under the direction of the Chief Secretary. A task force group led by the Administrative Secretary of Industries and Commerce will be constituted to oversee day-to-day implementation on the ground. The administration’s dedication to the startup policy’s success is evident in the Rs 39.60 crore overall budgeted allocation for its implementation over the next three years.

Addressing Challenges and Fostering a Thriving Ecosystem

The redesigned J&K Startup Policy was brought about in response to demands that were recognized in the startup scene in Jammu and Kashmir. The Industries and Commerce Department’s stakeholder meetings made clear how urgently the incubation and acceleration ecosystem needed to be strengthened. After they are approved, the new policy and its operational guidelines should immediately address this difficulty and give businesses the much-needed help they require throughout their critical early development stages.

The J&K administration’s commitment to improving the J&K Startup Policy and guaranteeing its effective execution is demonstrated by the committee review process. Through the identification of startup obstacles and the implementation of clear operational plans, the J&K Startup Policy 2024–2027 may foster a robust startup scene in Jammu and Kashmir.

Beyond the Policy: A Diverse and Promising Startup Landscape

A substantial degree of variety is already present in the J&K startup environment. Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha recently brought attention to the fact that Jammu and Kashmir has 722 registered businesses, with a noteworthy emphasis on gender diversity, including 254 amazing women-led companies. This varied environment is further enhanced by the prevalence of engineering and construction startups, which make about 49% of the total. Skill development (12%), oil and gas transportation (12%), IT consulting (8%), business support services (7%), food processing (6%), and agri-tech (5%), are other important industries drawing attention from entrepreneurs.

Following the expert review process and the implementation of the J&K Startup Policy 2024–27, Jammu and Kashmir is expected to experience a notable uptick in entrepreneurial activity. The administration’s, the committee’s, and the current diversified startup pool’s combined efforts offer great potential for the future of innovation and economic growth in the

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Riya Sen, an experienced editor at Atom News, is passionate about health and politics reporting. Riya Sen commitment to promoting well-being and highlighting political developments adds a valuable dimension to our coverage, ensuring our readers stay informed and engaged in current affairs.