Tamil Nadu is emerging as a hotbed for Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) brands, challenging the dominance of established players in the FMCG sector. At the recent Tamil Nadu Story event, three successful D2C founders shared insights into their journey and the state's potential in this burgeoning industry.

Tamil Nadu’s D2C Stars: A New Era Of FMCG

The Rise of Tamil Nadu’s D2C Powerhouses Tamil Nadu is emerging as a hotbed for Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) brands, challenging the dominance of established players in

MapmyIndia CEO Urges Indian Developers to Engage with Its Tech Platforms

MapmyIndia CEO Calls Upon Indian Developers to Engage with Its Tech Platforms

In a compelling address at DevSparks 2024, YourStory’s flagship developer summit held in Bengaluru, Rohan Verma, CEO of MapmyIndia, urged Indian developers to harness the

Montage of GenAI applications in healthcare, finance, art, and social impact.

Atom News Gears Up for GenAI Summit 2024: Shaping the Future of AI in India

Mark your calendars! Atom News, a leading platform for startups and innovation, is excited to announce the GenAI Summit 2024, taking place in the heart