Siddhanth Kapoor, the brother of Shraddha Kapoor and son of Shakti Kapoor, has established himself in the film business with roles in films such as “Jazbaa” and “Shootout at Wadala.” Renowned performers like Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Anil Kapoor, Amitabh Bachchan, and Irrfan Khan have all been on screen alongside him. Siddhanth appreciates working with encouraging coworkers and is devoted to maintaining a positive attitude in spite of adversity and a number of setbacks. Siddhanth talked exclusively with Times Entertainment about his relationship with his family, his filmography, and his most recent release, “Chalti Rahe Zindagi,” from LWC Films.

Chalti Rahe Zindagi and the Lockdown Experience

Reviews of Chalti Rahe Zindagi have been favorable, with Siddhanth’s performance garnering special recognition. He talked about his special experience working on this project when the area was under lockdown. “Since we were filming it during the lockdown, the experience was really unique. The procedure was different from normal because there were less crew members and setups. We had an excellent team despite the difficulties. A good product is produced when talented individuals collaborate and work with honesty, heart, and talent “added the speaker.

Preparing for a Unique Role

In Chalti Rahe Zindagi, Siddhanth plays a character that is distinct from those in his earlier roles. He said, “My character is not the typical gangster with a grey shade,” as he went through the preparation steps. While he is a professional authority figure, he is also a good, innocent individual. This character, I believe, originated mostly inside of myself. His passion and approach resonate deeply with me.

Personal Challenges and Growth

Siddhanth acknowledged going through similar experiences when questioned if his characteristics had caused him to suffer in his own life. Relationships, whether personal or professional, can present a number of difficulties. Every connection is complex,” he remarked.

Staying Positive and Avoiding Negativity

Siddhanth emphasized his approach to managing challenges by staying away from negativity. “I prefer to think from my heart rather than my mind. I focus on being genuine and avoid hurtful feelings. I aim for goodness but approach it practically,” he explained.

Family Time During the Pandemic

Siddhanth loved spending time with his family during the pandemic. We investigated new hobbies including music, performance, and health while getting to know one another better. We continued to be optimistic during this time of expansion in spite of the challenges. After getting COVID twice, I also took care of my health,” he said.

No Pressure from Family Legacy

Coming from a family of prominent actors, Siddhanth does not feel pressured to live up to their standards. “My path is different from my family’s. We support each other and push ourselves to excel in our careers. I don’t put undue pressure on myself because it’s important to enjoy the journey and work on my craft,” he said.

Working with Industry Legends

Siddhanth described his experience working with Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Amitabh Bachchan, Anil Kapoor, and Irrfan Khan as rewarding. “They are not only excellent actors but also wonderful people. My patience was definitely tested with them, but the work I did with patience was very rewarding,” he said.

Siddhanth acknowledged the challenges related to industry politics and negativity. “I’ve encountered many challenges, but I prefer not to dwell on them. A lot has happened to me that people are not even aware of. I’ve been through a lot in my life, but I focus on my work and maintain a positive outlook. I prefer to work with people who are not judgmental, who support each other and avoid backstabbing,” he stated.

Family Discussions on Future Projects

While there haven’t been many discussions about working together on a future project with his father Shakti Kapoor and sister Shraddha Kapoor, Siddhanth is open to the possibility if the opportunity arises. “We don’t talk much about films at home. We talk more about things that are happening around us,” he mentioned.

Handling Nepotism and Opportunities

Siddhanth believes nepotism is overemphasized. “Like any profession, opportunities can be influenced by connections, but in the end, performance matters. The term ‘nepotism’ can be a distraction. I think hard work and talent ultimately determine success, not just family connections,” he said.

Prioritizing Health and Well-being

After his experience with COVID, Siddhanth has prioritized his health. It’s crucial to focus on mental health, physical health, and overall well-being. This includes maintaining good habits, a healthy diet, taking vitamins, engaging in cardio, working out, and practicing meditation. Avoiding negativity is also important he advised.

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Aanya Kapoor, a seasoned editor at Atom News, brings a wealth of experience in journalism and a keen eye for compelling stories. With a background in investigative reporting, Aanya Kapoor is dedicated to delivering news that resonates with our diverse readership.