In the lead-up to the fourth phase of Lok Sabha Elections 2024, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to address four rallies in West Bengal today. These rallies are strategically planned to bolster the campaign for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in key constituencies. As PM Modi embarks on his visit to the state, the Kolkata Traffic Advisory has been issued to manage the flow of traffic and ensure smooth movement during his engagements. Let’s delve into the details of PM Modi’s itinerary and the traffic advisory for Kolkata residents.
PM Modi’s Itinerary
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s schedule includes four rallies in different parts of West Bengal. He will commence his engagements with a public meeting in Barrackpore, North 24 Parganas district, in support of BJP candidate Arjun Singh at 11:30 am. Subsequently, PM Modi will address the electorate in Hooghly to support BJP candidate Locket Chatterjee at 1 pm. Following this, he will proceed to Arambagh to campaign for BJP candidate Arup Kumar at 2:30 pm. The final rally of the day will take place in Howrah at 4 pm.
Traffic Advisory for Kolkata
In anticipation of PM Modi’s visit, the Kolkata Police has issued a traffic advisory to facilitate the smooth movement of vehicles and pedestrians. Heavy vehicles, including all types of goods vehicles, are restricted from 8:45 am to 1:00 pm within Kolkata Police jurisdiction on May 12. These restrictions may be extended until the conclusion of the VIP journey. Additionally, heavy goods vehicles will be prohibited from plying around Raj Bhawan from 6:00 am on May 11 to 10:00 pm on May 12.
Routes to Avoid
To minimize disruptions and ensure efficient traffic management, commuters are advised to avoid certain routes during PM Modi’s visit. The routes to be avoided include Raj Bhawan (South) Gate – RR Avenue – Red Road – Jenson and Nicholson Island – Khidderpore Road – 11 Furlong Gate – 2nd Hooghly Bridge. Traffic police will regulate and divert traffic to feeder roads as necessary to maintain smooth flow and minimize congestion.
Importance of PM Modi’s Visit
PM Modi’s visit to West Bengal holds significant political significance, especially in the context of the ongoing Lok Sabha elections. With the BJP aiming to expand its presence in the state, these rallies serve as crucial platforms to connect with voters and garner support for party candidates. The Prime Minister’s active participation underscores the BJP’s commitment to securing victory in key constituencies and shaping the political landscape of West Bengal.
As Prime Minister Narendra Modi gears up for his four rallies in West Bengal, the Kolkata Traffic Advisory plays a pivotal role in ensuring logistical coordination and minimizing disruptions for residents. With traffic regulations in place and strategic route planning, authorities aim to facilitate PM Modi’s engagements while maintaining normalcy in the city. As the Lok Sabha elections unfold, PM Modi’s visit signifies the BJP’s concerted efforts to strengthen its position in West Bengal and sway voter sentiment in its favor.
In summary, PM Modi’s rallies, coupled with the traffic advisory for Kolkata, highlight the intersection of political campaigning and logistical coordination during the electoral process. As stakeholders navigate these dynamics, the outcome of the Lok Sabha elections in West Bengal will be closely watched, shaping the future trajectory of state politics.
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