Amazon India has recently introduced a new shopping segment called “Bazaar,” which focuses on offering budget-friendly, unbranded fashion and lifestyle items. This strategic move by the e-commerce giant aims to cater to a wider range of customers and compete more effectively in the budget e-commerce market.

Introduction of Amazon Bazaar

The new “Bazaar” section has been integrated into the Amazon India Android app, providing customers with easy access to affordable fashion and home products. According to an Amazon India spokesperson, the introduction of Bazaar reflects the company’s commitment to investing and innovating on behalf of its customers and third-party sellers.

Features of Bazaar

Amazon Bazaar will showcase a variety of budget-friendly, unbranded products across categories such as apparel, watches, shoes, jewellery, and luggage. These items are priced below Rs 600, making them accessible to a wide range of consumers. The section aims to highlight products listed by sellers, particularly from manufacturing hubs across India.

Targeted User Group

Initially, the Bazaar section will be prominently displayed within the Amazon India app interface for a targeted group of users. This approach allows Amazon to gauge customer response and fine-tune the shopping experience before rolling out the feature to a broader audience.

Delivery Timelines and Prime Subscribers

For Prime subscribers, delivery estimates for Bazaar products are approximately 4-5 days. Amazon acknowledges the nature of low-cost items and may extend delivery timelines for this segment, considering that rapid delivery may not be a top priority for consumers purchasing budget-friendly products.

Competition in the Budget E-commerce Market

The launch of Amazon Bazaar puts the e-commerce giant in direct competition with players like SoftBank-backed Meesho and Flipkart’s dedicated app, Shopsy, which cater to the budget e-commerce segment. By introducing Bazaar, Amazon aims to tap into new customer segments and expand its market reach in India.

Potential Impact and Growth Strategy

Amazon India has traditionally been popular among urban consumers, particularly Prime subscribers, who benefit from expedited deliveries and access to additional services like video and music streaming. However, the introduction of Bazaar could attract a broader customer base, including price-conscious shoppers from tier 2 and tier 3 cities.

Previous Initiatives and Expansion Plans

In the past, Amazon India has focused on expanding its presence in the social commerce sphere through initiatives like the acquisition of Glowroad, a startup specializing in reseller networks. These efforts reflect Amazon’s commitment to adapting its business model to cater to the evolving needs and preferences of Indian consumers.


Overall, the launch of Amazon Bazaar represents a strategic move by the e-commerce giant to capture a larger share of the budget e-commerce market in India. By offering affordable fashion and lifestyle products through a dedicated section within its app, Amazon aims to enhance the shopping experience for price-conscious consumers while also expanding its customer base across different demographic segments.

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Saiba Verma, an accomplished editor with a focus on finance and market trends, contributes to Atom News with a dedication to providing insightful and accurate business news. Saiba Verma analytical approach adds depth to our coverage, keeping our audience well-informed.