In a recent development, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal of Delhi has taken a firm stance against accusations regarding his dietary habits while in jail. The controversy emerged after the Enforcement Directorate (ED) claimed that Kejriwal was deliberately consuming high-sugar foods to manipulate his medical condition. Kejriwal has refuted these claims and has sought intervention from the court to address his medical needs.

Allegations of Manipulating Medical Condition

The ED recently asserted that Kejriwal was consuming mangoes, sweets, and sugary tea to artificially elevate his blood sugar levels. According to their submission, this tactic was employed to fabricate a medical emergency and gain sympathetic treatment from the court. However, Kejriwal’s legal team has vehemently denied these allegations, labeling them as baseless and misleading.

Legal Response and Rebuttal

Senior advocate Abhishek Manu Singhvi, representing Kejriwal, countered the ED’s claims by highlighting the inaccuracies in their submission. Singhvi clarified that mangoes were only included in Kejriwal’s meals on three occasions out of a total of 48 meals. Furthermore, he emphasized that Kejriwal uses sugar-free alternatives in his tea, refuting the accusation of deliberately consuming sugary beverages.

Request for Medical Intervention

In response to the ED’s allegations, Kejriwal approached the court seeking immediate medical attention, including the administration of insulin. His legal team argued that depriving him of essential medication constitutes a serious lapse in duty on the part of jail authorities. They criticized the ED’s attempt to influence public opinion through media trials and reiterated Kejriwal’s right to proper medical care while in custody.

Court Proceedings and Pending Verdict

The Rouse Avenue court, presided over by Special Judge Kaveri Baweja, has reserved its order on Kejriwal’s plea. While acknowledging the deviations from the prescribed diet, the court has emphasized the need for addressing Kejriwal’s medical requirements promptly. Both the ED and jail administration have been given the opportunity to present their responses, with the court expected to announce its decision on April 22.

Health Concerns and Medical History

Kejriwal’s health condition, particularly his type-2 diabetes, has been a subject of concern since his arrest. The recent fluctuations in his blood sugar levels have raised alarms, prompting his legal team to intervene. Despite assurances from jail authorities regarding his medical care, Kejriwal’s advocates have highlighted instances of negligence and inadequate treatment.

Allegations of Misuse and Legal Proceedings

In addition to seeking medical assistance, Kejriwal’s legal defense has accused the ED of misrepresenting facts and pursuing a biased agenda. They have challenged the ED’s jurisdiction in matters related to Kejriwal’s health and have underscored the need for impartial medical evaluation. The court’s verdict on April 22 is eagerly awaited, as it will determine the course of action regarding Kejriwal’s medical treatment and legal proceedings.

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Riya Sen, an experienced editor at Atom News, is passionate about health and politics reporting. Riya Sen commitment to promoting well-being and highlighting political developments adds a valuable dimension to our coverage, ensuring our readers stay informed and engaged in current affairs.