A horrific incident of animal cruelty and violence has come to light in Hyderabad, India. A family, along with their pet dog, was brutally attacked by a group of men following an alleged dog bite incident. The disturbing footage of the attack has gone viral on social media, sparking outrage and calls for justice.

Details of the Attack

According to reports, the incident occurred in the Madhapur area of Hyderabad. A man named Srinath was walking his pet husky when it reportedly entered the house of a neighbor, Dhanunjay. An altercation ensued between Srinath and Dhanunjay, which quickly escalated into violence. Dhanunjay, along with two accomplices, allegedly armed themselves with sticks and proceeded to attack Srinath, his wife, and their pet dog.

Graphic Video Surfaces Online

A video shared on social media platforms like [platform name] captures the harrowing scene. The footage shows Srinath being shoved to the ground by the attackers while his pet dog is struck with sticks. Srinath’s wife attempts to intervene but is also assaulted. Thankfully, other bystanders intervene and manage to stop the attack.

Social Media Demands Action

The disturbing video has ignited public anger, with many condemning the brutality of the attack. Social media users have expressed their outrage and called for swift action against the perpetrators. Several individuals tagged the Hyderabad City Police in their posts, urging them to investigate the incident and bring the attackers to justice.

Hyderabad City Police Respond

The Hyderabad City Police Department has acknowledged the social media outrage and confirmed that they are aware of the incident. In response to a tagged post, the department stated that the matter has been brought to the notice of the Station House Officer (SHO) of Madhapur police station.

Calls for Responsible Pet Ownership

While the details surrounding the initial dog bite incident remain unclear, the violent response by Dhanunjay and his associates is completely unacceptable. This incident also highlights the importance of responsible pet ownership. Ensuring proper training and socialization of pets can go a long way in preventing such altercations.

Animal Cruelty Laws in India

The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960, is the primary legislation in India that protects animals from cruelty and neglect. The act outlines various offenses and corresponding penalties for animal cruelty. In this case, the attackers could potentially face charges under this act for the brutal treatment of the pet dog.

Importance of Peaceful Conflict Resolution

The use of violence to resolve disagreements is never the answer. Open communication and a willingness to find a peaceful solution should always be prioritized. This incident serves as a stark reminder of the devastating consequences that can arise from unchecked anger and resorting to violence.

Ongoing Investigation

The Hyderabad City Police are currently investigating the matter. It is crucial for a thorough investigation to be conducted to determine the exact sequence of events and hold those responsible accountable for their actions.


The brutal attack on the family and their pet dog in Hyderabad is a horrific act of violence that deserves strong condemnation. This incident underscores the need for responsible pet ownership, peaceful conflict resolution, and stricter enforcement of animal cruelty laws in India. As the investigation progresses, it is hoped that justice will be served for the victims of this senseless act.



Aanya Kapoor, a seasoned editor at Atom News, brings a wealth of experience in journalism and a keen eye for compelling stories. With a background in investigative reporting, Aanya Kapoor is dedicated to delivering news that resonates with our diverse readership.