The startup ecosystem in India is expanding rapidly, and its goals are now global in scope. The Indian Angel Network (IAN) has partnered with the UAE-based business accelerator iAccel Gulf Business Incubator (iAccel GBI) to support this international expansion. Announced in mid-July 2024, this strategic alliance is expected to benefit Middle Eastern investors as well as Indian business owners.

A Gateway for Investment and Growth

Leveraging the strengths of both organizations is the foundation of this relationship. With its extensive network of angel investors and stable portfolio of creative entrepreneurs, IAN offers Indian companies aiming to expand in the Middle East a platform. On the other hand, iAccel GBI helps Indian startups negotiate the complexities of conducting business in the area by providing access to important resources and industry knowledge.

With the recent signing of the Comprehensive Economic collaboration Agreement (CEPA) between India and the United Arab Emirates, this collaboration is especially appropriate. The project by IAN and iAccel GBI is ideally matched with the aim of the CEPA, which is intended to considerably strengthen commercial relations between the two nations.

Benefits for All Stakeholders

The partnership offers a multitude of advantages for all parties involved:

  • For Middle Eastern Investors: IAN unlocks a treasure trove of promising Indian startups, allowing them to diversify their portfolios and tap into the exciting potential of the Indian startup ecosystem. They can participate at various investment stages, from angel rounds through the IAN Angel Platform to Series A and B funding through the IAN Alpha Fund. Investors are not just limited to financial contributions; they can also provide valuable mentorship, aiding the growth trajectory of Indian startups and helping them establish a foothold in the Middle Eastern market.
  • For Indian Startups: This partnership opens doors to a new frontier. Indian startups will gain access to essential tools, mentorship from experienced professionals, and most importantly, market access in the dynamic and resource-rich Middle East. This not only ensures their survival in this competitive landscape but paves the way for long-term success across global markets.
  • For the Indian and UAE Economies: The collaboration fosters innovation and entrepreneurship, creating a win-win economic scenario. By bridging the gap between Indian startups and UAE capital, it fuels the growth of both economies. It aligns perfectly with the UAE’s D33 agenda, which aims to double the size of its economy and become a global hub for business.

Building a Vibrant Ecosystem

The partnership goes beyond simply connecting startups and investors. IAN and iAccel GBI envision building a robust and collaborative ecosystem that supports the overall growth of the Indian startup scene in the Middle East. This ecosystem will provide startups with the necessary support system to thrive, encompassing mentorship, access to funding, and market know-how.

A Look Ahead: A Future of Mutual Benefit

An important step toward developing stronger business relations between India and the UAE has been taken with this initiative from IAN and iAccel GBI. By establishing a forum for cooperation and information exchange, it encourages entrepreneurship in both countries and helps Indian startups grow to new heights. As this collaboration develops, we anticipate a wave of creative Indian companies taking off in the Middle East and adding to a vibrant and win-win economic environment.

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Saiba Verma, an accomplished editor with a focus on finance and market trends, contributes to Atom News with a dedication to providing insightful and accurate business news. Saiba Verma analytical approach adds depth to our coverage, keeping our audience well-informed.